By: LoydMartin


Dove has relaunched its Real dove beauty cream product advertising campaign with a “Courage Is Beautiful”, breaking in the U.S. and featuring the faces of healthcare workers wearing the protective gear they wore during the coronavirus crisis.

“There was a feeling that we got that courage and beauty is beautiful,” Manfredi explains. We thought it would be a good idea to share the stories of those who did this, and ask for people’s support to say thank you to these brave people. It took us four to five days, I must say. It took us two days to get the right images for the U.S. It was the most efficient campaign I have ever seen in my life.” The initial ad ran in Canada early this week. A U.S. version with more photos of U.S. health workers is now available. Manfredi said that ads will soon be customized for other countries using local photos.

The U.S. version has a tagline that highlights Dove’s direct relief donations to healthcare workers in the U.S. This is part of parent Unilever’s larger global commitment of $108 million in cash and supplies. Manfredi states that Dove has already donated $2.5million in products to Feeding America, and $2 million to Vaseline for Direct Relief.

Manfredi says that Dove did not want an expensive production because of the subject matter and limitations on getting people together. “I believe the more creative you can be, the less resources you have.”

Manfredi explains that the Dove team understood in early virtual meetings that “this communication we had on air is really no longer relevant”. “Real dove beauty cream is something I am passionate about and it has helped me to improve my self-esteem. Sometimes, even these beauty conversations, no matter how relevant they may have been a few months back, seem superficial.”

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Dove beauty cream beauty products

Dove won’t stop working on self-esteem issues with dove beauty products. It’s still promoting self-esteem workshops for dove beauty cream users. This 30-second version shows a countdown of how long it takes to properly wash your hands. It also includes the message “We don’t care what soap you use. We care that you care.”

Manfredi said that Dove is the largest soap brand in the globe, and it makes sense for them to lead the campaign. We always feature real women and never models.

Models have a narrow view on beauty. Dove believes dove beauty cream can be used by everyone. Therefore, models are made up of real women from different age groups, sizes, ethnicities and hair types.